Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Refs Videos

Today I went to the voice studio recorder at National Gallery, I broght my camera with me, I had to see my face, shouting the words,,,I really did. enjoy it´s funny and gonna be great reference.Thanks guys from NG.
Today you gonna pay...

gonnapay from Dmca on Vimeo
line up soldiers!

Companyyyy from Dmca on Vimeo
Achoo from Dmca on Vimeo

resmunga from Dmca on Vimeo

OhhhUhhhAhhh from Dmca on Vimeo
Kitty Acting session last friday at school.

KittySessionActing from Dmca on Vimeo
sorry guys, but you became parte of MEself.

Sneeze from Dmca on Vimeo

Another videos ...soldiers


Anonymous said...

hahahaha.... eu conheço esse lugar....

messytimbo said...

my sneeze is the best! :)


acting skills + drawing skills =

you keep this energy up and you'll have no problem succeeding!


libra bear said...

E..N..E..R..G..Y. You have it, and I'm inspired by it!

Olivier Ladeuix said...

did we meet during the Nexus talk at the V&A? Great references mate!

Unknown said...

Mano... nao consigo parar de rir aqui das suas performances!! Estão OTEMAS!!! AHuhauhauhaHauAU!!!
Vc rachando depois de ficar rindo tb!! hahaha...
E o comentario da galera aqui mato a pau! É meu caro... energia é o que nao falta pra vc... e o melhor disso, é vc estar canalizando em algo q vc curte pra caraio... e q te faz render mto!! E é algo contagiante!! SHOW!!

E um adentro... eu vi q tem uma mocinha junto de ajudando... hummm!! Gostei de ver! rsrs...

Abração grande meu caro!!