Monday, April 2, 2007

Flour sack animation

Yes I was starving for animation, so I found this rig on the web and had to have a go..
I did it in 2 days, working basically straight ahead, no poses and pre steup movs,,, it was hard to start, so nothing better than having the sack getting up. but them i couln´t stop, evry frame i wanna do more, this way has got good flow, but doesn´t end easy.. it´s cool just to practse some follow trough and stuffs..I hope you enjoy..Mariano gave the tip it was to light, so I made it falls faster. Thanks compadre.

Flour sack on Vimeo


libra bear said...

Yo dan, lovin the animation, more than that lovin the dedication. I'm jealous. I'm working on My task project at the moment, If i don't finish by wensday, I'm gonna drop it to do some experimental stuff. Hope your holidays are good bro.

Unknown said...

Ae panga!! ja te escrevi no site, ficou animal! A animação ta show!!
Os movimentos... fudido meu caro!!
E antes q eu me esqueça... vai tomá no rabo!! Ta animal! E mano... como eu ri da sua locução no animatic! hahahahah... os espirros estão de doer!! auhauhauau...
abraço grande!! Monga