Sunday, March 18, 2007

First term, 3 months

In the first unit of the course, every monday mornig we had lectures with steve robert, who was giving us amaizing knolegement about the principles of animation. We started with cycles. walk, fish, birds flying. and through theese months i started to understand easy in, out. followtrhough and overlapping, passing position and contact...breakdown and inbetween...
ohh how much fun inbetween,,,,no need to think,,,hoppefully everythink had been breakdown before...
The unit project was an animation that trhough a walk i had to show two diferent emotions,,,,THE MOOD CHANGE.

bird cycle

mood change 3d

mood change 2d and rehearsal

polar bear walk cyle 2d

2d shark animation

walk cycle, from sneak to skip......

and finaly my assesment projest, where I gathered all the lessons, plus a london background, I used the IK JOE for the 3d mood change.

1 comment:

messytimbo said...

hey it's good to see you got a blog.

check this site out.

it's like a youtube but for animation, animators and artists.

and it's got a great video compresser. don't use youtube it's got a poor picture when you upload

post your end of term project it was great.

p.s did you know nicks got a blog now. it's a link on my page