Storyboard competition at V&A museum organized by Nexus studios. The brief was to draw 6 panel about 2 fictional characters nemed Victoria and Albert to be presented on a single A4. it was good because I could practise before I start my final project storyboard. The winner will get a week experience at Nexus studios. It would be so good. Let´s see.
next 6 weeks i had to animate my final task project, which was a single character trying to achieve a difficult task, I had to finish my model, fix the skin weights and controls and I had to make another setup for the scene where he is in the parachute, i had to have a spline spine, because the root of the movment wasn´t anymore at the pelvis ,as usual, but instead it´s on the rig and more pain in the as......... I posted same still of the animation first. The animation, Zé down hill, 36s. 4 weeks work. The blocomatic, which was the first time I did, and clearly could realize how helpfull is doing, time and composition are the key here. and a rehearsal i did for the jump, which i wann make it soft and light, very different to myself jumping.
when i came back from holidays, I had to produce same animal run. Then it´s finished, no more cycles, no more .. Now the matter was, body´s so more interesting when you feel what you are saying..and so subtle, just a blink, or a weight shift..they don´t need to be moving the arms all the time, or jumping or´s said " the most comum mistake of animations studets is: trying to do too much at the same time." yeah,,,I didn´t miss that,,,you can see on the "smurf sees a lady boy",,,too much happening there. Yeah, I think I´ve learnt this thing at the time,,,ALWAYS,,,
And I had to produce a storyboard for the next term final task, a single character trying to achieve a difficult task... oh it´s hard, I had so many ideas that was hard to decied with one was the best....I picked Zé going Down Hill.. I wanna do the action, I had nice scenes of speed and zé in free fall..It´s a challenge for me. Here is the animatic.
next time will try to key the lights in this stage.
then I had a full month haliday. I started planing my character for the next term. I had a big help with the drawing from wesley a classmatte at school. I started modelling this little fella.
In the first unit of the course, every monday mornig we had lectures with steve robert, who was giving us amaizing knolegement about the principles of animation. We started with cycles. walk, fish, birds flying. and through theese months i started to understand easy in, out. followtrhough and overlapping, passing position and contact...breakdown and inbetween... ohh how much fun inbetween,,,,no need to think,,,hoppefully everythink had been breakdown before... The unit project was an animation that trhough a walk i had to show two diferent emotions,,,,THE MOOD CHANGE.
bird cycle
mood change 3d
mood change 2d and rehearsal
polar bear walk cyle 2d
2d shark animation
walk cycle, from sneak to skip......
and finaly my assesment projest, where I gathered all the lessons, plus a london background, I used the IK JOE for the 3d mood change.
well It´s better start how I got there.... This is the portifolio I´ve applied at Central Saint Martin London animation school on march 2006.
Yeah Theese are the drawings I showed at my interview,,,,and I got the place on the course,,,It´s the happiest day soo far living in london..I receive the offer letter 3 months latter, i waited thinking every single day, what would be my next step if i won´t got the place, after 3 times applied at this course. so you can imagine how big that day was,,,we did party a lot.
Animation mentor alumni.
PostGrad at Central Saint Martins character animation, London.
Ba in architecture, Brazil. I'm current freelancer animator in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Daniel Alvite web site