Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Horse Maya_ZBrush

That's another quick 3d sketch I did last couple of days. I've started in maya to build the low poly model that I took into ZBrush and added musculature and details from then I exported displacement map and a low poly model resolution level 2 and rendered it into maya using mental ray. That is a nice technic, it brings into the model nice details adding a lot to the character.
I feel I need to concentrate better in generating UV maps, I guess a lot of the discrepancies from the ZBrush model to the final horse render is from a bad UV map.
Anyway that was just to learn, first time i completed the all workflow. I want to test how it would behave in animation. I guess would be very weird see all the muscles not moving or getting strange deformations. Here are another few lessons to learn.
Thanks all.

Friday, December 12, 2008

First trial ZBrush

I've decided to learn a bit of ZBrush.
That's a head I model from a sphere looking at some tutorials.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Novos Lideres - Agencia Punch, Brasil

Novos Lideres from Dmca on Vimeo.

This job I used particle with goal to match the objects . the brief was straight, can you do it in 2 weeks time? ( a job is a job, I can't say no, specially in difficult times like now) , I had never used particles before, so i did a small research and found that it isn't too hard to achieve that simple look.
I worked long hours and used my wife lap top to help the render. It's a very simple sphere particles set up, a few fields to move the particles about and animate the goal value for the particles. The trick was emit the exactly amount of particles for the object vertices and kill them for the next object with different amount of vertices. Well it can get complicated, adding goaal PP and radius PP expresions .... and goes on.
No time at all to do anything too much fancier. It was a good lesson in particles, render and composition in After.
Thanks David cook for the advices with particles, cache and ideas in comp.
Thnaks to Mauricio, who forwarded this job to me.
In difficult times to get a job in London I got this freelance from a client in Brazil, that is lucky and maybe means that It's time to come back homeland.
thnks all

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Comet on call Reservoir dogs ad

Comet on Call Reservoir Dogs ad from Dmca on Vimeo.
This is another project I worked on at Steel Drum studios. Copyrights Steel Drum studios.
I've done all the characters models and 90% of the animation. Also I've help the rigging team to set up, we used the Setup machine and face machine, it's a great rigging script, very easy to set up and give lot's of controls to animate.
It took to us, 4 people team, about 2 months to finish this project. Again I've learnt new thing about rigging and rendering.
Now I'm back at Bird studios to do another "Limitless" video.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Migros Ad

Migros from Dmca on Vimeo.

This is the first project I worked on at Steel Drum studios.
I've done all the models,rigs and animation.
It was a great experience for me, thanks Sedley.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Slow Train Video clip

I had the pleasure of working on this music video clip for the Australian musician Alex Lloyd .

I animated the birds, a very little part of this great work. It was directed by Kim Alexander. Another ex class mattes worked too on this production. Thanks Kim for the opportunity.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wip Creature Attack

WIP animation practise from Dmca on Vimeo.

I've tried to do same animation with lot of action inspired by Flip Turok game animation.
The first image is same of the initial ideas, badly drew. The sec. image is the 12 starting poses.
I"m still working on it . Critiques are welcome, Thanks.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ultimate Iron Giant Model Sheets

The Animators Survival kit ANIMATED is a great collection, a master class filmed at blue sky studios and now in 12 DVDs set. Great stuff.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Moon Scared

Hello Folks,
Yeah, it's finished, after same great feedback from Matt and Chris, I fix a few things,
it was to even, all the actions and speed were too similar, maybe its still. but we need to know when to move on.
I've done same quick modelling for the background and render, I wanna try same lighting and composite stuff.

MoonScared Ren from Dmca on Vimeo.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Wip moon jump get scared

wip moon jump from Dmca on Vimeo.
Hello guys,
it's just another little exercise, moon jumps in gets scared. I'm trying to push more a cartoon style.
I'm still working on it after same feed back I got last week.
hope you like it.
I' posting my work stages. the first 45 poses, exported jpeg to flip book, where I time it and bring back to maya, from here I added more breakdowns, fix same gimbals. after that I Auto Tangent all, and block the face. than it's was an less difficult battle in the graph, to be honest very little.

45 keys from Dmca on Vimeo.
45 keys in maya from Dmca on Vimeo.
final Block from Dmca on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Toon Boom

I was playing with a trial version of this soft, toon boom, very nice.

bolas from Dmca on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Disney Roll Out Slate of 10 New Animated Motion Pictures Through 2012

Hello everyone,
I'm amazed to see the list of films to be released till 2012, by disney and pixar.
Disney Roll Out Slate of 10 New Animated Motion Pictures Through 2012
toy story1, 2 and 3, Bolt, Newt...Some funny stories.That's great.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ratatoule 4

From the ratatoule book, I was refreshing my mind for the next project. A couple of nights learning cg painting in photoshop, it's really hard for me. I found hard to drawn straight in the tablet, so I was only coloring to learn, get the grip.
Now that i got fresh, I can start another little animation, i've sckecthed some poses and choose this new version, moon v4 from highend3d, it's very cool, nice facial controls, strech...cartoon. I want still keep practising some more body mechanics before get started in any acting. Just following orders. haha.zzzzzzzzzzzzz
moon v4
hey monga, abrzs ai meu amigo.tchau

Thursday, April 3, 2008

FS wip

Flour Sack in line from Dmca on Vimeo.that's the final one, for now.

FS wip v31 from Dmca on Vimeo.
another night polishing this stuff, still need some adujstments mainly on the feet and hands.

wip FS siluete from Dmca on Vimeo.
just checking, it doesn't work as nicely when I have all characters in the scene, I think I'll have to lower the cam to make more evident his movs.

Friday, March 28, 2008


just to refresh my mind I was playing with this rig last night,,
from the book stop staring, by mr ossipa.

squoosh, OOhhh yeess from Dmca on Vimeo.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fs wip sh1

Fs wip sh1 from Dmca on Vimeo.
Here is an updated, I'm still working I just added all the positions for this shot. same changes in timing and still missing something at the end of the last jump to connect with the cycle, I've toned down the arms swing there and changed its directions till next pose, but still looks weird,maybe the bounce should be bigger or ....
I used the trax only to store the clips and update modifications on the soldiers clips.
Once the main FS was baked I had to clean up the keys, very alike working with mocap, and then add new poses. The funny was that the walk is there already, all the times and movs as well, for good or bady, but it's kind of cool because you have less possibilities and more precision on the characters actions.So it directs your alterations. anyway, I don't want to talk girerish again...hihhi

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Little jump off walk

Jump Off Cycle FS wip from Dmca on, trax haaaaa,
I couldn't squeeze nothing there, when i started adding keys on top off walk, it was getting too nasty, difficult to control. So I went to the bake way. Having all the keys there is painstakly to modify but it does.It gets in a point where you are animating straight ahead on top off the walk, quite cool.
I did a little jump to test and I gonna do same more, Iooking around and ....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fs wip, cameras

Camera travel test going to a closer shot.

Fs Cam Travel wip from Dmca on Vimeo.

Fs Close wip from Dmca on Vimeo.

LayerAnim Test from Dmca on Vimeo.this is just a test using trax, a cycle as a clip, I added same poses, made another clip and layered the upper body from the cycle, the trick was to make Sub Character Set, upper body and lower.It's very rough, hope now squeeze something cool out this tool.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Plant feet

3 differents offsets FS wip from Dmca on Vimeo.
Just been fight against the maya trax,..haaaa. I still haven't found my way over there.
I've baked a locator to check the feet looked, adjusting the motion path curve until i had an almost flat cv(+-2un) on the feet contact.
Now I'm just having fun with the offset, when is one fr delayed each, 6 total, looks pleasant to my eyes but also kind of dancing. The same fr looks to computer, but the mix with one fr delay maximun spreading randonly is cool.
I've tried same deformers to make same strides differen, maybe will works.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Scream B

The second of 6 breakdowns of a crazy scream i did on a colourfull night.
It will take 6 years to paint all, and each one will look different.hihi

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Flour sack sage

It's been long time since I haven't done any personal stuff, so I decieded to take something easy and funny to animated, I want apply all the new stuff i learnt in this new job, and do a series of animation involving this little funny guy in a .....
I want to give him a kind of marchy walk,

Flour Sack Marchy wip from Dmca on Vimeo.


just an updated link of the show I've been working
orsum island

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Family's baby

So many relatives and friends having babies that i got this picture from clarissa my cousin and i loved the pic that i did some painting over.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ratatoule inspiration

same great inspiration in the ratatoule's artbook.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


messing with ps, drawings inspired in Tom Bancroft's

Aardman Talent showcase 2008

It was a cool day hanging around Bristol and then see my work at the Talent showcase at Aardman studios, between so many great character designers, animators.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

yes, it's been very nice working on pineapple squared, learning by the kilo in XSI and character animation, only doing animation you can see and feel the learning, great fun,
A bit hard the journey everyday to shepperton but it gives me time to pracitse drawingh on the train and then coloring it on the comp.
next wend I'll be going to Aardman studios in Bristol for a student 2007 showcase, where they gonna project my student film, "Cabron". It wiil be a great opportunity to meet people and new contacts, I might ending up working with wallace,,hihihii..that would be extremelly funny.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

test wacon

quick drawing to test tablet
Thanks santa wacon claus and pati my lovely wife who provide everything.beijos