Monday, October 10, 2011

Animation Mentor Showcase 2011

Selecionado para o Showcase da escola em 2011.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Watercolour and Life Drawing

Desenhos feitos entre junho a setembro de 2011, Aulas de modelo vivo na Double negative

Monday, August 22, 2011

Orgesticulanismus - Short film

Great tribute to his father Benoît Labaye, suffered from a multiple sclerosis at 29 years old. Benoît Labaye had been confined to a wheelchair since age 40 and died at 55 years old the 04.22.2006, as a result of a pneumonia.
REALISATION : Mathieu Labaye
MUSIQUE : Fabian Forini et Mathieu Labaye
PRODUCTEUR : Jean-Luc Slock
PRODUCTION : Camera-etc

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Olivier Soares - Senior FX Technical - Avatar, 2009.

Olivier Soares Senior FX Technical Director at Weta Digital (Wellington, NZ) on Avatar, 2009.
Ele desenvolveu varios sistemas de crescimentos de planta, rigging, interaçao, simulaçao....
A sequencia da morte de "Grace" onde a planta cresce a envolve ela, feito usando maya.