Sunday, March 16, 2008

Little jump off walk

Jump Off Cycle FS wip from Dmca on, trax haaaaa,
I couldn't squeeze nothing there, when i started adding keys on top off walk, it was getting too nasty, difficult to control. So I went to the bake way. Having all the keys there is painstakly to modify but it does.It gets in a point where you are animating straight ahead on top off the walk, quite cool.
I did a little jump to test and I gonna do same more, Iooking around and ....


Anonymous said...

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messytimbo said...

good stuff buddy, hope your keeping well.

your animation aways has such character to it.

hows your pauline?

Doctor Cerebro said...

this is cool, man. looks like you are doing some interesting experiments with the trax editor, you have to teach me...

libra bear said...

Trax editor is a good way to animate. Controling the z curves on the alpha plain gives more feeling in the graph editor on the motion IK handles. Gibberish? Now you know how us 2D guys feel, LOL. Great stuff man. Your experiments seem to be paying off. Your animation looks and feels more natural the more I see it. Great stuff Mr DMCA. Teach me as well...

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

hey guys, thanks for passing by, I've been busy with this animation, giving a go in some thechinics using maya, sorry if it was giberish, but i just hope someone out there could give me some light,,
I've posed the whole seq, and now just polishing a bit to show you guys and correct after your comments.