Saturday, February 9, 2008

Family's baby

So many relatives and friends having babies that i got this picture from clarissa my cousin and i loved the pic that i did some painting over.


Olivier Ladeuix said...

Hey DMCA how is everything? Are you still at Pineapple? Are you animating?

Sofia said...

oi dani

como vc fez este? n sei se gostei mto.....

gostava mais daquela linha do tipo de vc e a pati andando de mto, sabe?

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

oi ca
eu fiz no photoshop. puis a foto da filha da clara em baixo e pintei por cima,,,,so para treinar pintar no ps.

aquele meu e da pati 'e vetor,,,outra historia

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

yes olivier, animating everyday, long hours, having lots of fun...I've learnt animate in XSI and got to know the env of tv series production, Its been great. nice people too.