Friday, November 2, 2007

Dmca reel Nov/07

DMCA reel Nov/07 from Dmca on Vimeo.


libra bear said...

Nice showreel man. The monkey is amazing. I can't believe everyone is on second showreels. Congrats (why am I always the first to comment??? I feel like I'm always the first guy at a party)

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

thanks wes...
because you are a very nice bro.

Doctor Cerebro said...

nice work cabron! maybe instead of having the same run cycle from different views you could try animating the camera? and what about the lip synch? you must show that you can do that stuff.
one important advice everybody tells me: keep it snappy!

David Beer said...

yes yes.... Doctor of what? foot doctor maybe... Yo guys!
Daniel, looking good crit, except what the doctor says, Obrigado.

Edwin said...

Hiya Daniel, Looking great! Again I agree with Wes! I thought the monkey is brilliant, love the way it just hangs in the air. Also still loving the sack. He's got the most charecter. I could'nt hear any sound? Is that just me?
I ignored you advice and took the job as a runner at Framestore. I'll let you know how it goes.

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

hy guys, thanks for your tips and advices, i'll have a lipsync next cut, and about animating the camera it's very good idea, or have the walk not in the spot.
edwin, so go for it budy, do your best, i'm sure you will have good experiences overthere.