Thursday, October 18, 2007


That´s the animation I´ve been working on at Bird studios
it´s done in one month by Siaw yaw, Andrew and Myself using Maya and Shake.
I had the pleasure to learn a few things about graphic animation in maya, render layers and I´ve started to learn the art of Composite in Shake, what a brilhant soft. I used it mainly to adjust the final color,andrew did the wrap transitions. It´s nice to have control of all pieces that make the image without having to render all again.

Limitless, Bird studios animation from Dmca on Vimeo.


messytimbo said...

wow that looks fantastic! you must have learnt so much from doing that! good to see your up and running.

libra bear said...

Very impressed dude, this will make a good adition to the show reel. what parts did you animate?

Sofia said...

ummmm q legal ein dani.... esse é do trabalho novo???

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

ht wes.
from 50s on i did pretty much everything, apart from the fountain and the birds.
great experience.

libra bear said...

So you did all the effects, the red lines the color changes, the humans????!!! Your one BADASSMOTHERFUCKER :) I really, really like it, working with people makes such a difference don't you think?

Sofia said...

iiiiiii daniel..... cansei daqueles balões, já passei p algumas sombras novas e agora tô fazendo uma piscinona, de 180x145cm... vou atualizar o blog

Nick said...

Hey Dan,

Some amazing stuff there, a really vivid and stylised piece of work. Brilliant.

David Beer said...

Very cool, bro, you will need to explain to me how you went about some of these cool transitions, wow!

Paul said...

fantastic stuff there, really stylish

Boris Hiestand said...

what a wonderful piece- hats off!