Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ze downHill sound

yes, it´s much more interresting when you got a soundtrack on the animation.
Rob Boy Right and Alexandre Beraldo. they have done this sound track for me, and they are currently working on the soundtrack for the animation "Cabron", which is coming soon. 4 weeks to go.
thanks again
you can find Rob here... RobBoyRight
Alexandre ???? dunno.
I hope you enjoy it.

Zè Down Hill, short student film from Dmca on Vimeo


Olivier Ladeuix said...

so what is that Daniel? i guess this is not your short. Old animation? Hey I would like to come to visit you at Saint Martins sometime soon, before you go too deep in the pressure of finishing your short.

At AM we are polishing our animatic this week. I will show you mine very soon.

David Beer said...

Hey Dude, wow, it adds alot of depth with the sound, especially the end bit. cool

Unknown said...

Aí pangaré!! DAHORA!! rsrs..
e com som fica outra coisa ne nao?!
Ainda mais quando ta tudo certin, sincado...
ficou massa!

Doctor Cerebro said...

Hi duuuuuuuuudeeee! i still think it would be much better if you sang on top of the music... COMPANYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

cooompany....easy,,,that´s coming soon...
thanks guys..
eu monga,,valeu mano...